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The Fundamentals of Prosperous E-shop in Connection ...

The Fundamentals of Prosperous E-shop in Connection ...

Name and surname of author:

Petr Suchánek

e-business, e-commerce, e-shop, internet search engine, search engine optimization
DOI (& full text):
Electronic business (e-business) is burgeoning area. E-business presents alternatives having amongst and significantly supports profitability and competitive advantage production and business subjects. E-shops are one of extension of e-business. There are millions of e-shop web pages on the internet. If we want e-shop to be successful, it has to be seen in one of the first positions on the internet search engines. This can be achieved with the support of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO deals with the localization and searching of individual web sites. The principal aim of every shop is to obtain many customers. Customer of e-shop is user who visited a web site and placed an order. Research results show a dependence between the presentation of web sites in one of the first positions on the internet search engine and the count of conversions from users to customers. The principle aim of this article is the endeavor to confront the most often used internet search engines in the Czech Republic in connection to the searching of e-shop web sites. Source information of research were percentage of the most often used internet search engines and the most often purchased products in e-shops in the Czech Republic. We wanted to know the count of the same links found in the first ten positions on the internet search engines. For the purpose of research, we found 40 links for every keyword (these were always the first ten on every internet search engine). There were 320 links in total. For purpose of research, seznam.cz, google.cz, atlas. cz and centrum.cz were used. All of the basic research results are described in the article. This research was done individually and some of its outputs will be used for an inaugural dissertation.
Electronic business (e-business) is burgeoning area. E-business presents alternatives having amongst and significantly supports profitability and competitive advantage production and business subjects. E-shops are one of extension of e-business. There are millions of e-shop web pages on the internet. If we want e-shop to be successful, it has to be seen in one of the first positions on the internet search engines. This can be achieved with the support of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO deals with the localization and searching of individual web sites. The principal aim of every shop is to obtain many customers. Customer of e-shop is user who visited a web site and placed an order. Research results show a dependence between the presentation of web sites in one of the first positions on the internet search engine and the count of conversions from users to customers. The principle aim of this article is the endeavor to confront the most often used internet search engines in the Czech Republic in connection to the searching of e-shop web sites. Source information of research were percentage of the most often used internet search engines and the most often purchased products in e-shops in the Czech Republic. We wanted to know the count of the same links found in the first ten positions on the internet search engines. For the purpose of research, we found 40 links for every keyword (these were always the first ten on every internet search engine). There were 320 links in total. For purpose of research, seznam.cz, google.cz, atlas. cz and centrum.cz were used. All of the basic research results are described in the article. This research was done individually and some of its outputs will be used for an inaugural dissertation.
Appendix (online electronic version):
