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Budoucí scénáře českého projektového řízení

Business Administration and Management

Budoucí scénáře českého projektového řízení

Name and surname of author:

Kateřina Hrazdilová Bočková

Project, project management, strategy, scenario, critical success factor, project and line organization
DOI (& full text):
Present market environment is characterised with incisive competition and with shorter life cycles of products. The companies are bound to realise big changes and events in limited terms with limited budget and the time is becoming the critical success factor. This paper is focused on the project management, I adjust the necessity and needs for the realization of entrepreneurial activities based not only on the critical theoretic analysis, but on the results of provided surveys as well. The project management is changing from the informal management by project to complex access to the project management. The original engineering science reforms to the working environment of organization. Project management itself includes the more and more other sciences of the management. The project management did not arise suddenly, but it evolved gradually till present form, when it obtains its name. Upon the research of industrial civilization, of CVs of pioneer of industrial revolution, it is possible to monitor, that years ago such way of company management was very close to present concept of project management. The presented paper deals with the definition, analyze and consequent testing of potential trends and scenarios of Czech project management on the base of the extensive research. It generalizes the experiences from the successive getting of information and characteristics of Czech enterprises management including the results of own survey. The essential is the enouncement of the project management trends in the conditions of Czech market economy. It is possible to summarize these trends into three types of project management. These types are possible to exactly characterize through the critical success factors based on the principles of normative access described in ISO 9000:2000.
Present market environment is characterised with incisive competition and with shorter life cycles of products. The companies are bound to realise big changes and events in limited terms with limited budget and the time is becoming the critical success factor. This paper is focused on the project management, I adjust the necessity and needs for the realization of entrepreneurial activities based not only on the critical theoretic analysis, but on the results of provided surveys as well. The project management is changing from the informal management by project to complex access to the project management. The original engineering science reforms to the working environment of organization. Project management itself includes the more and more other sciences of the management. The project management did not arise suddenly, but it evolved gradually till present form, when it obtains its name. Upon the research of industrial civilization, of CVs of pioneer of industrial revolution, it is possible to monitor, that years ago such way of company management was very close to present concept of project management. The presented paper deals with the definition, analyze and consequent testing of potential trends and scenarios of Czech project management on the base of the extensive research. It generalizes the experiences from the successive getting of information and characteristics of Czech enterprises management including the results of own survey. The essential is the enouncement of the project management trends in the conditions of Czech market economy. It is possible to summarize these trends into three types of project management. These types are possible to exactly characterize through the critical success factors based on the principles of normative access described in ISO 9000:2000.
Business Administration and Management
Appendix (online electronic version):
