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Improvement of Employees´ Corporate Training in the Company Topvar

Business Administration and Management

Improvement of Employees´ Corporate Training in the Company Topvar

Name and surname of author:

Helena Šimková, Miriam Šebová, Renáta Horňáková

European Union, structural funds, European Social Fund, human resources
DOI (& full text):
Slovakia‘s accession to the European Union offers new possibilities for financing various areas of economy. The European Social Fund, one of the EU structural funds, is aimed at decreasing the differences between the member countries. It supports, among others, the development of human resources. This paper analyses the rules of the EU support based on a case study - human resources development project in the Šariš Brewery. The company prepared the project in the framework of improving the employees´ training and received financial support form the ESF for its implementation. The EU resources are the public resources and in this sense it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of their use. One of the main conditions of the rational and effective using of the EU funds is transparency. This paper presents the proposals for a successful project implementation both on the side of the applicant and of the managing. For the applicant it is important to manage the preparation of the project and the first part of the implementation process. The managing authority has to prepare transparent rules, publish all relevant information and manage the evaluation of projects at several ministries. The projects supported by the EU should address and stress the needs of the new modern civil society and the knowledge economy. The objectives and the tasks of the projects prepared have to reflect the society‘s needs as well as to meet the government‘s targets presented in its operational programmes. The uniqueness and the success of the project in the acceptation process depend on the quality of its elaboration and on the vitality of the applied organisation. A successful drawing of financial sources depends on cooperation with the managing authority and is strongly influenced by the human factor on the one side of the beneficiary and of the managing authority on the other.
Slovakia‘s accession to the European Union offers new possibilities for financing various areas of economy. The European Social Fund, one of the EU structural funds, is aimed at decreasing the differences between the member countries. It supports, among others, the development of human resources. This paper analyses the rules of the EU support based on a case study - human resources development project in the Šariš Brewery. The company prepared the project in the framework of improving the employees´ training and received financial support form the ESF for its implementation. The EU resources are the public resources and in this sense it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of their use. One of the main conditions of the rational and effective using of the EU funds is transparency. This paper presents the proposals for a successful project implementation both on the side of the applicant and of the managing. For the applicant it is important to manage the preparation of the project and the first part of the implementation process. The managing authority has to prepare transparent rules, publish all relevant information and manage the evaluation of projects at several ministries. The projects supported by the EU should address and stress the needs of the new modern civil society and the knowledge economy. The objectives and the tasks of the projects prepared have to reflect the society‘s needs as well as to meet the government‘s targets presented in its operational programmes. The uniqueness and the success of the project in the acceptation process depend on the quality of its elaboration and on the vitality of the applied organisation. A successful drawing of financial sources depends on cooperation with the managing authority and is strongly influenced by the human factor on the one side of the beneficiary and of the managing authority on the other.
Business Administration and Management
Appendix (online electronic version):
