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Hospodářský profil Ústeckého kraje v kontextu vstupu ČR do EU


Hospodářský profil Ústeckého kraje v kontextu vstupu ČR do EU

Name and surname of author:

Helena Vomáčková

Ústecký kraj, NUTS 2, hrubý domácí produkt, struktura zaměstnanosti, míra nezaměstnanosti, úroveň nezaměstnanosti, priority regionálního rozvoje, strategické cíle
DOI (& full text):
The contribution lies down some selected economic indicators of the newly defined nomenclature unit - Usti n. L. region. It indicates its internal division, defined by its previous development, into three areas: mining, Ohre area, and Labe area. It enhences the economic regional profile throught the indicator of the GDP per capita, compare to the CR average. The results are then confronted with the impact of the unemployment and the structural unemployment of the particular region. The end of the article deals with final counts of the regional priorities resulting into the strategic objectives.
The contribution lies down some selected economic indicators of the newly defined nomenclature unit - Usti n. L. region. It indicates its internal division, defined by its previous development, into three areas: mining, Ohre area, and Labe area. It enhences the economic regional profile throught the indicator of the GDP per capita, compare to the CR average. The results are then confronted with the impact of the unemployment and the structural unemployment of the particular region. The end of the article deals with final counts of the regional priorities resulting into the strategic objectives.
