Demografický a ekonomický vývoj města Frýdek-Místek
Name and surname of author:
Jana Veselá, Petra Valkovičová
demografický vývoj, vzdělanost obyvatelstva, sňatečnost, rozvodovost, ekonomický vývoj města, venkovská a městská část města, aglomerace, sociální oblast, prognózy
DOI (& full text):
This article has as one's task - shortly draw up, on the strength of demographical dates, economic and social situation in town Frýdek-Místek and pursuant to about future development demographic and then and economic and social find out, what steps already town undertakes and what steps will must undertake, to was readiness on future development and reduced or intended negative fall ulterior period.
This article has as one's task - shortly draw up, on the strength of demographical dates, economic and social situation in town Frýdek-Místek and pursuant to about future development demographic and then and economic and social find out, what steps already town undertakes and what steps will must undertake, to was readiness on future development and reduced or intended negative fall ulterior period.