Pozice malých a středních podniků České republiky v procesu příprav k přijetí do EU
Name and surname of author:
Petra Rydvalová, Helena Žuková
Malé a střední podnikání, nezaměstnanost, systém podpory MSP, regionální politika
DOI (& full text):
The Article surveys problematic of the small and medium entertainment as a possible way of the solving unemployment and another negative influences on economy of the Czech republic. In the chapters we briefly describe present situation of regional policy here and also in EU, the theoretical system support SME in the EU, all possible programmes of support of SME available for our businessman.
The Article surveys problematic of the small and medium entertainment as a possible way of the solving unemployment and another negative influences on economy of the Czech republic. In the chapters we briefly describe present situation of regional policy here and also in EU, the theoretical system support SME in the EU, all possible programmes of support of SME available for our businessman.