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Základní trendy nastupující etapy a jejich vliv na podnik

Business Administration and Management

Základní trendy nastupující etapy a jejich vliv na podnik

Name and surname of author:

Zdeněk Souček

informační technologie, podnik, mezipodniková kooperace, globalizace, konkurence, intelektualizace produktu, rozmanitost světa, miniaturizace, ekologizace.
DOI (& full text):
Very expressive changes are certainly expected in following several years. It will be change of principle. Their extent is possible to compare only with change, which racing in era of industrial revolution. Many dogmas and rules, which whole generation of managers developed during long time and treat as sacred and unchanging, expire. We will have much of new knowledge to learn and - what it is certainly harder much of them we will forget. These changes will include all activities in companies in Czech republic.
Very expressive changes are certainly expected in following several years. It will be change of principle. Their extent is possible to compare only with change, which racing in era of industrial revolution. Many dogmas and rules, which whole generation of managers developed during long time and treat as sacred and unchanging, expire. We will have much of new knowledge to learn and - what it is certainly harder much of them we will forget. These changes will include all activities in companies in Czech republic.
Business Administration and Management

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