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Komunikace v dodavatelském řetězci

Business Administration and Management

Komunikace v dodavatelském řetězci

Name and surname of author:

Klára Antlová

E-business, informační technologie, informační systémy, Internet, EDI, skladové hospodářství, distribuce
DOI (& full text):
Manufacturing and distribution companies are experiencing considerable changes in their business environments. The competition is becoming more global. The challenges facing companies today are not just a consequence of changes in the business environment. They are also a result of the opportunities created by access to new advanced information technology. In this article I would like to show some impacts for the changes in the communication of distribution chain.
Manufacturing and distribution companies are experiencing considerable changes in their business environments. The competition is becoming more global. The challenges facing companies today are not just a consequence of changes in the business environment. They are also a result of the opportunities created by access to new advanced information technology. In this article I would like to show some impacts for the changes in the communication of distribution chain.
Business Administration and Management

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