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Mobilita studentů vysokých škol a její právní omezení zákonem č. 111/1998 Sb. a vnitřními předpisy VUT Brno


Mobilita studentů vysokých škol a její právní omezení zákonem č. 111/1998 Sb. a vnitřními předpisy VUT Brno

Name and surname of author:

Vratislav Kozák, Věra Kozáková

přestupy, akreditace jednotlivých studijních předmětů, uznávání kreditů
DOI (& full text):
The authors are not lawyers, but in the light of their knowledge and experience, would like to contribute their thoughts to the discussion on the legal aspects of Inter-regional collaboration from the Educational Establishment's perspective. They focused primarily on, and offers solutions to, the following problems: 1. Transfer between individual establishments, both during studies and after. 2. The accreditation of individual subjects (not study programs) on a supranational level. 3. The recognition of credits gained from other universities. 4. The creation and issuance of documentation regarding the successful completion of studies.
The authors are not lawyers, but in the light of their knowledge and experience, would like to contribute their thoughts to the discussion on the legal aspects of Inter-regional collaboration from the Educational Establishment's perspective. They focused primarily on, and offers solutions to, the following problems:
1. Transfer between individual establishments, both during studies and after.
2. The accreditation of individual subjects (not study programs) on a supranational level.
3. The recognition of credits gained from other universities.
4. The creation and issuance of documentation regarding the successful completion of studies.
