Vybrané dopady novely zákona o dluhopisech na emise podnikových dluhopisů
Name and surname of author:
Liběna Tetřevová
podnikové dluhopisy, emitenti, objem emise, výnos dluhopisů, majitelé dluhopisů
DOI (& full text):
The article deals with choice of impacts of amendment to a code of bonds and their influence on issuers, investors and issue of corporate bonds in the Czech Republic. The attention is paid especially to character of issuers of corporate bonds, minimal volume of issue of corporate bonds, separate right of corporate bonds yield and conference of bondholders. The above mentioned amendment should help to wider use of corporate bonds as a source of funds of firms and as an instrument of investments as well.
The article deals with choice of impacts of amendment to a code of bonds and their influence on issuers, investors and issue of corporate bonds in the Czech Republic. The attention is paid especially to character of issuers of corporate bonds, minimal volume of issue of corporate bonds, separate right of corporate bonds yield and conference of bondholders. The above mentioned amendment should help to wider use of corporate bonds as a source of funds of firms and as an instrument of investments as well.