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The Citizen's Relationship to Strategic Planning on the Municipal Level


The Citizen's Relationship to Strategic Planning on the Municipal Level

Name and surname of author:

Miloš Charbuský, Tomáš Vlasák

DOI (& full text):
It results from the analysis that strategic planning on the municipal level is best dealt within municipalities having 10000 - 50000 inhabitants while municipalities with population under 500 often do not even consider preparation of any kind of planning document. According to the respondents, recruited from municipal representatives, 85 % of plans contain medium to long-term development priorities. The housing development is considered to be the most serious priority.
It results from the analysis that strategic planning on the municipal level is best dealt within municipalities having 10000 - 50000 inhabitants while municipalities with population under 500 often do not even consider preparation of any kind of planning document.
According to the respondents, recruited from municipal representatives, 85 % of plans contain medium to long-term development priorities. The housing development is considered to be the most serious priority.
