Analýza vývoje počtu přepravených cestujících akciovou společností Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy
Name and surname of author:
Filip Šmída
Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy, a.s., počet cestujících, trend, sezónní složky, předpovědi
DOI (& full text):
The article is about time series analysis of transported passengers by the JHMD narrow gauge rail joint stock company. The subject of analysis is number of passengers from january 1998 till december 2000. I analysed the trend and seasonal indices of the number of transported passengers. On the base of mean square error criteria a regression line function was chosen. At the end of the article I made forecasts of number of transported passengers for the year 2001 considering trend and seasonal indices.
The article is about time series analysis of transported passengers by the JHMD narrow gauge rail joint stock company. The subject of analysis is number of passengers from january 1998 till december 2000. I analysed the trend and seasonal indices of the number of transported passengers. On the base of mean square error criteria a regression line function was chosen. At the end of the article I made forecasts of number of transported passengers for the year 2001 considering trend and seasonal indices.