Business Administration and Management
Využívání možností podpory podnikání malými a středními podniky v Libereckém kraji
Name and surname of author:
Petra Rydvalová, Miroslava Šťastná
Spolupráce, integrační proces, rámcový program, malé a střední podniky, ERA (Evropský výzkumný prostor)
DOI (& full text):
Within the local co-operation VÚTS, a.s. Liberec and the Economics Faculty of the Technical University Liberec takes place the study, witch aim to evaluate the participation of small and medium enterprises in the 5. FP (the Framework Programme). In this article we elaborated first face of above mentioned study.
Within the local co-operation VÚTS, a.s. Liberec and the Economics Faculty of the Technical University Liberec takes place the study, witch aim to evaluate the participation of small and medium enterprises in the 5. FP (the Framework Programme). In this article we elaborated first face of above mentioned study.
Business Administration and Management