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Mezinárodní aktivity podniku a podnikatelské riziko

Business Administration and Management

Mezinárodní aktivity podniku a podnikatelské riziko

Name and surname of author:

Milan Hrdý

Podnikatelské riziko, mezinárodní vztahy, devizová expozice, řízení transakčních rizik, interní, externí způsoby.
DOI (& full text):
International activities of the firm is joined with the incremental risk, which must be identifyed in the first line, than consider its ifluence on the firm and decide about risk politics and eventually about hedging. The quantification of the risk is made due exchange exposition, which measures the sensitiveness of the changes of the values, which are expressed in the foreign currency, on the changes of the rate of exchange. The exchange exposition must be the economical, translations and transactions. There are external and internal possibilities of the risk politics. The internal methods are represented by leading, lagging, matching and netting. The external methods are represented by operations forward, futures, exchange options and swap operations.
International activities of the firm is joined with the incremental risk, which must be identifyed in the first line, than consider its ifluence on the firm and decide about risk politics and eventually about hedging. The quantification of the risk is made due exchange exposition, which measures the sensitiveness of the changes of the values, which are expressed in the foreign currency, on the changes of the rate of exchange. The exchange exposition must be the economical, translations and transactions. There are external and internal possibilities of the risk politics. The internal methods are represented by leading, lagging, matching and netting. The external methods are represented by operations forward, futures, exchange options and swap operations.
Business Administration and Management
