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Podat či nepodat daňové přiznání za příjmy ze závislé činnosti a funkčních požitků

Business Administration and Management

Podat či nepodat daňové přiznání za příjmy ze závislé činnosti a funkčních požitků

Name and surname of author:

Jan Hejda, Pavel Štrach

daňové přiznání, příjem, zaměstnanec, daňová povinnost, poplatník
DOI (& full text):
The article deals with the most important terms, which are related to the tax law. The article is focused on the part of norms that have very practical applications; it means the field of income from work law relations, wages and salaries. Authors would like to give a lot of information about recent valid circumstances in the structured form.
The article deals with the most important terms, which are related to the tax law. The article is focused on the part of norms that have very practical applications; it means the field of income from work law relations, wages and salaries. Authors would like to give a lot of information about recent valid circumstances in the structured form.
Business Administration and Management
