Foreign Direct Investments in Slovakia
Name and surname of author:
Tomáš Sabol, Michal Šoltés
DOI (& full text):
The paper describes the results of FP5 Project "EU Integration and the Prospects for Catch-Up Development in CEEC's - The Determinants of the Productivity Gap (Productivity Gap)" [1]. The project assesses the roles played by determinants of productivity gap between accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the EU member states in terms of the respective weight of determinants and their influence on the potentials for productivity catch-up. The first results of the Productivity Gap project, namely the extent to which multinational companies support the transfer and implementation of new technology in their local subsidiaries is discussed in this paper.
The paper describes the results of FP5 Project "EU Integration and the Prospects for Catch-Up Development in CEEC's - The Determinants of the Productivity Gap (Productivity Gap)" [1]. The project assesses the roles played by determinants of productivity gap between accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the EU member states in terms of the respective weight of determinants and their influence on the potentials for productivity catch-up. The first results of the Productivity Gap project, namely the extent to which multinational companies support the transfer and implementation of new technology in their local subsidiaries is discussed in this paper.