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Podpora absolventů univerzity při výběru profese


Podpora absolventů univerzity při výběru profese

Name and surname of author:

Mikuláš Gangur

fuzzy klasifikace, počítačově podporovaný klasifikační systém, výběr profese
DOI (& full text):
Abstract: How to help Universities Graduates in Job Hunting This paper presents a proposal for the system of classification in the area of job hunting. The activity of this system can be described briefly as follows. The system user will answer a set of questions, which describe his/her global and personal skills and abilities and his/her interests, motivation factors. The system will search the set of the most suitable professions with the help of its knowledge base of described professions, and determine the level of suitability for every selected profession on the base of the user answers. The atributes that described professions are presented and their meaning is explained. The effectivity of classificators is tested on experimental data and the success of classification is showed on the experimental data. Finally the system outcomes are presented on the some examples of input objects.
Abstract: How to help Universities Graduates in Job Hunting
This paper presents a proposal for the system of classification in the area of job hunting. The activity of this system can be described briefly as follows. The system user will answer a set of questions, which describe his/her global and personal skills and abilities and his/her interests, motivation factors. The system will search the set of the most suitable professions with the help of its knowledge base of described professions, and determine the level of suitability for every selected profession on the base of the user answers. The atributes that described professions are presented and their meaning is explained. The effectivity of classificators is tested on experimental data and the success of classification is showed on the experimental data. Finally the system outcomes are presented on the some examples of input objects.

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