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Teória súťaže v internom marketingu univerzit

Teória súťaže v internom marketingu univerzit

Name and surname of author:

Róbert Štefko

konkurencia, interný marketing, vnútorný trh práce, teória súťaže (teória turnaja), teória relatívnej kompemzácie, systém odmeňovania pracovníkov, motivácia
DOI (& full text):
Abstract: Tournament Theory in Internal Marketing of Universities The study deals with the tournament theory (relative compensation theory) in internal marketing of universities. It concerns to developing the competition environment into internal labour market of organisation (University). The competitors are employees competing for the job "professor" with professor´s (highest) salary in framework of establishing the new legislative system for universities, new laws in Slovak Republic in 2002 - 2003. The relative compensation system is a kind of employee reward system with elements of competition among the employees built in. These rewards (relative compensations) are fixed in order (salaries for employees are in fixed order - for example similar to the rewards system in tennis tournament). The system is described also by mathematical formulas. The well-known theory of tournament (Lazear, E., 1992, Simon, H., 1970 and many others) is applied on internal Slovak University labour market. In very simply form - this is the competition between two employees: Their motivation (to apply for a better job) depends on the relative compensation scheme (relative compensation is reward system for employees). When two employees are competing for a better job, for the higher (highest) salary, it is more important who is better - rather then, what performances has each of them (separate measurement of individual perrformances). For example let´s look at the game: in tennis tournament both players may realise very poor performances (or both very high standards of performances), but it is not so most important. Important is who is better. The same is situation and motivation for two employees competing for a better job.
Abstract: Tournament Theory in Internal Marketing of Universities
The study deals with the tournament theory (relative compensation theory) in internal marketing of universities. It concerns to developing the competition environment into internal labour market of organisation (University). The competitors are employees competing for the job "professor" with professor´s (highest) salary in framework of establishing the new legislative system for universities, new laws in Slovak Republic in 2002 - 2003. The relative compensation system is a kind of employee reward system with elements of competition among the employees built in. These rewards (relative compensations) are fixed in order (salaries for employees are in fixed order - for example similar to the rewards system in tennis tournament). The system is described also by mathematical formulas.
The well-known theory of tournament (Lazear, E., 1992, Simon, H., 1970 and many others) is applied on internal Slovak University labour market. In very simply form - this is the competition between two employees: Their motivation (to apply for a better job) depends on the relative compensation scheme (relative compensation is reward system for employees). When two employees are competing for a better job, for the higher (highest) salary, it is more important who is better - rather then, what performances has each of them (separate measurement of individual perrformances). For example let´s look at the game: in tennis tournament both players may realise very poor performances (or both very high standards of performances), but it is not so most important. Important is who is better. The same is situation and motivation for two employees competing for a better job.
