Vliv hospodářského cyklu na výrobu a prodej osobních automobilů společnosti Škoda Auto, a. s
Name and surname of author:
Václav Novotný, Miloslav Šimek
hospodářský cyklus, výroba osobních automobilů, společnost Škoda Auto, a.s.
DOI (& full text):
Influence of business cycle on production and sales of personal vehicles was not a subject of explicit interest till now. In 90's we noticed two cyclical industrial crises that influenced also production and sales of personal vehicles of the ŠKODA company. The business cycle became a factor which significantly influences production and sales of automobiles.
Influence of business cycle on production and sales of personal vehicles was not a subject of explicit interest till now. In 90's we noticed two cyclical industrial crises that influenced also production and sales of personal vehicles of the ŠKODA company. The business cycle became a factor which significantly influences production and sales of automobiles.