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Fikce a realita skleníkového efektu aneb větrná energie s otazníky


Fikce a realita skleníkového efektu aneb větrná energie s otazníky

Name and surname of author:

René Hladík

skleníkový efekt, energie z větru, regulace, Kjótský protokol, externalita, subvence
DOI (& full text):
The aim of the contribution is to analyse how the human society reacts to the so called greenhouse effect. The hypothesis for the impact of the human activity upon the global change of climate, which has not been proved yet, has already taken effect in our economy. This is exemplified in the case of the Czech Republic, specifically in the financial support granted to the wind energy. The article deals with the negative consequences of such a support. For example, each kWh of the wind electric power results financial loses from the macroeconomical point of view about 1,40 Kc. The benefit of the wind energy suppliers may bee singullar positive effect to be expected.
The aim of the contribution is to analyse how the human society reacts to the so called greenhouse effect. The hypothesis for the impact of the human activity upon the global change of climate, which has not been proved yet, has already taken effect in our economy. This is exemplified in the case of the Czech Republic, specifically in the financial support granted to the wind energy. The article deals with the negative consequences of such a support. For example, each kWh of the wind electric power results financial loses from the macroeconomical point of view about 1,40 Kc. The benefit of the wind energy suppliers may bee singullar positive effect to be expected.

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