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Stavební spoření v ČR v roce 2002 a jeho výhled


Stavební spoření v ČR v roce 2002 a jeho výhled

Name and surname of author:

Jan Mráz

stavební spoření, složená roční míra růstu (CAGR), překlenovací úvěr, Hirschman-Herfindalův index (HHI)
DOI (& full text):
Building Societies Industry in the Czech Republic in 2002 and its Outlook This article is especially focused on development of building societies industry in the Czech Republic during 2002. In the introductory part are also mentioned roots of the whole industry that lies in 18th century. Further item covers legal basis of the building societies in the Czech Republic including shareholders' structure of each entity. Following part is focused on particular areas of the building societies development in 2002 i.e. number of contracts, volume of clients' savings, and loans provided to clients (including bridging loans). Hirschman-Herfindal Index values show that industry concentration seems to be relatively stabile only with slight decline over last four years. Final issue is focused on impacts of the prepared fiscal reform into the future development of the building societies industry in the Czech Republic.
Building Societies Industry in the Czech Republic in 2002 and its Outlook
This article is especially focused on development of building societies industry in the Czech Republic during 2002. In the introductory part are also mentioned roots of the whole industry that lies in 18th century. Further item covers legal basis of the building societies in the Czech Republic including shareholders' structure of each entity. Following part is focused on particular areas of the building societies development in 2002 i.e. number of contracts, volume of clients' savings, and loans provided to clients (including bridging loans). Hirschman-Herfindal Index values show that industry concentration seems to be relatively stabile only with slight decline over last four years. Final issue is focused on impacts of the prepared fiscal reform into the future development of the building societies industry in the Czech Republic.

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