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Hodnocení účasti českých subjektů v programu Eureka


Hodnocení účasti českých subjektů v programu Eureka

Name and surname of author:

Jaromír Ficek

výzkum a vývoj, státní podpora, program Eureka, vyhodnocení
DOI (& full text):
Evaluation of Participation of Czech Subjects in Program EUREKA Purpose of this paper consists in giving information about all-European program of applied research and development EUREKA and evaluate participation of Czech subjects in this program during 1995-2001. Evaluation is oriented to number and subject division of projects with Czech participation, number of participants taking share in solution of projects and amount of the project budgets. On basis of collected data and their evaluation it is possible to state that in monitored period were supported 108 projects with 170 national participants and number of projects as well as number of participants increased continually. Average sum of budget for solution of one project was of 1,4 mil. EUR, for Czech participant of 0,47 mil. EUR. Taking into account the need of 50 % cofinancing at minimum, then average max. sum of dotation for one project for Czech participant was 0,235 mil. EUR, indispensable amount of support forms this way from program Eureka important instrument supporting development of innovative activities of firms.
Evaluation of Participation of Czech Subjects in Program EUREKA
Purpose of this paper consists in giving information about all-European program of applied research and development EUREKA and evaluate participation of Czech subjects in this program during 1995-2001. Evaluation is oriented to number and subject division of projects with Czech participation, number of participants taking share in solution of projects and amount of the project budgets. On basis of collected data and their evaluation it is possible to state that in monitored period were supported 108 projects with 170 national participants and number of projects as well as number of participants increased continually. Average sum of budget for solution of one project was of 1,4 mil. EUR, for Czech participant of 0,47 mil. EUR. Taking into account the need of 50 % cofinancing at minimum, then average max. sum of dotation for one project for Czech participant was 0,235 mil. EUR, indispensable amount of support forms this way from program Eureka important instrument supporting development of innovative activities of firms.

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