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Multikriteriální bodová metoda k určování vstupní ceny zařízení

Business Administration and Management

Multikriteriální bodová metoda k určování vstupní ceny zařízení

Name and surname of author:

Jaromír Makovec

oceňování výrobních zařízení, stanovení výchozí ceny, aplikace regresní a korelační analýzy, bodová metoda.
DOI (& full text):
Multicriterial Point Method for Setting the Income Price of the Machinery Setting the price of the long-term tangible property is a topical issue connected with purchase, sale or crediting of property. The article deals with applying of exact methods under the conditions when the purchasing price is not known, yet when this machinery has similar and comparable technical parameters as the machinery contemporarily produced and available on the market. The method uses mathematical statistics. The importance of specific parameters being compared is expressed by the point evaluation. The approach method can be applied in many similar files of production machinery and considerably enhances accuracy in price-making processes.
Multicriterial Point Method for Setting the Income Price of the Machinery
Setting the price of the long-term tangible property is a topical issue connected with purchase, sale or crediting of property. The article deals with applying of exact methods under the conditions when the purchasing price is not known, yet when this machinery has similar and comparable technical parameters as the machinery contemporarily produced and available on the market. The method uses mathematical statistics. The importance of specific parameters being compared is expressed by the point evaluation. The approach method can be applied in many similar files of production machinery and considerably enhances accuracy in price-making processes.
Business Administration and Management
