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Tvorba zdrojů pro výrobní sféru na českém kapitálovém trhu

Business Administration and Management

Tvorba zdrojů pro výrobní sféru na českém kapitálovém trhu

Name and surname of author:

Jiří Polách, Martina Novotná, Robert Kocián

finanční zdroje, kapitálový trh, dluhopisy, akcie, bankovní úvěr
DOI (& full text):
Creation of the Finance Sources for the Production Sector at the Czech Capital Market Corporate finance in Czech Republic is linked with a lot of defects, problems, anomalies and abnormalities. Present situation of the capital market is unbearable, an environment where companies found themselves from the standpoint of the sources to the finance demand is not the market environment. And at the same time the capital markets offer wide range of special debt or equity commercial papers, so that companies´ possibilities of finance obtaining considerably extend also by other ways than only by most often used bank credit.
Creation of the Finance Sources for the Production Sector at the Czech Capital Market
Corporate finance in Czech Republic is linked with a lot of defects, problems, anomalies and abnormalities. Present situation of the capital market is unbearable, an environment where companies found themselves from the standpoint of the sources to the finance demand is not the market environment. And at the same time the capital markets offer wide range of special debt or equity commercial papers, so that companies´ possibilities of finance obtaining considerably extend also by other ways than only by most often used bank credit.
Business Administration and Management

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