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Segmentační studie zákazníků na příkladu společnosti Západočeská energetika, a. s.

Segmentační studie zákazníků na příkladu společnosti Západočeská energetika, a. s.

Name and surname of author:

Ivana Lukasová

konkurence, péče o zákazníka, komunikace se zákazníky, diferencovaná péče, segmentace zákazníků, kvantitativní segmentace, kvalitativní segmentace
DOI (& full text):
Segment studies are an inseparable part of marketing management of every company. The competitive environment and the high level of market competition force firms to improve their way of communication with both the current and potential consumers. To increase efficiency of individual, mostly very cost-demanding forms of communication, we have to identify correctly the target groups and focus on them. Identifying these groups, their characteristics and their sizes are the most frequent tasks of segment studies.
Segment studies are an inseparable part of marketing management of every company. The competitive environment and the high level of market competition force firms to improve their way of communication with both the current and potential consumers. To increase efficiency of individual, mostly very cost-demanding forms of communication, we have to identify correctly the target groups and focus on them. Identifying these groups, their characteristics and their sizes are the most frequent tasks of segment studies.
