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K niektorým otázkam iracionálnosti finančného rozhodovania

Business Administration and Management

K niektorým otázkam iracionálnosti finančného rozhodovania

Name and surname of author:

Kristína Zgodavová

manažérstvo kvality, finančné rozhodovanie, iracionálnosť v rozhodovaní
DOI (& full text):
The paper deals with such issues of irrationality of financial decision-making in production quality management at the organizational level which are related to quality control and management according to STN EN ISO 9001:2000 and STN EN ISO 9004:2000. It starts from the system paradigm of quality, points to the ambiguity of boundaries between graded quality levels, presents the quality level indicator dependence of expenses and prices. Quality factors and key principles of quality management are explained, as well as some typical situations of the organizational status quo in quality and quantity, expenses, prices and profit. A case study of new automobile gearbox production launch is presented and the knowledge acquired is summarized as brief recommendations for solving particular cases. The paper has a character of theoretical generalizations of practical knowledge to be further employed in practice.
The paper deals with such issues of irrationality of financial decision-making in production quality management at the organizational level which are related to quality control and management according to STN EN ISO 9001:2000 and STN EN ISO 9004:2000. It starts from the system paradigm of quality, points to the ambiguity of boundaries between graded quality levels, presents the quality level indicator dependence of expenses and prices. Quality factors and key principles of quality management are explained, as well as some typical situations of the organizational status quo in quality and quantity, expenses, prices and profit. A case study of new automobile gearbox production launch is presented and the knowledge acquired is summarized as brief recommendations for solving particular cases. The paper has a character of theoretical generalizations of practical knowledge to be further employed in practice.
Business Administration and Management
