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Analýza vývoja motivácie robotníkov v Slovenských elektrárňach a. s. Mochovce z časového a vecného hľadiska

Business Administration and Management

Analýza vývoja motivácie robotníkov v Slovenských elektrárňach a. s. Mochovce z časového a vecného hľadiska

Name and surname of author:

Milota Vetráková, Miloš Hitka, Róbert Sedmák

analysis of motivation, motivation trend, motivation of workers, motivation factors, time_x000D_ and subject aspect of motivation
DOI (& full text):
This work is dealing with the analysis of motivation for workers in Slovak nuclear power plant corporation, Mochovce. Motivation is analysed from the view of time and subject aspect. Analysis was performed during the years 2003-2004. Importance of motivators was determined by the application of inquiry, based on averaging of individual importances assessment of monitored motivation factors. Results reached by the questionnaire analysis and cluster analysis help us to detect fields of working motivation where it is necessary to do some improving steps. On the base of reached results we can say that it is possible to create group motivation programmes for 2 similarly oriented employees groups in SE Mochovce,Corp. To get better adaptation of motivation programmes for particular employees there was examined by the cluster analysis ability to select groups with similar motivation orientation. This problem is highly actual mainly in big companies because of the following: - unified motivation programme created on the base of averaging of more individual opinions can be a little away from concrete demands and thus it can be ineffective; - and vice versa, elaboration of fully individual motivation programmes for hundreds of employees is very often an impossible task. Within the time horizont of 6-12 months, we suggest again to do analysis of motivation factors because of detection of possible changes in the structure of motivation factors after the stabilization in the company. In the case of other significant changes it is necessary to revise motivation factors for employees on such a way that they will reflect changed demands of those employees.
This work is dealing with the analysis of motivation for workers in Slovak nuclear power plant corporation,
Mochovce. Motivation is analysed from the view of time and subject aspect. Analysis was
performed during the years 2003-2004. Importance of motivators was determined by the application
of inquiry, based on averaging of individual importances assessment of monitored motivation factors.
Results reached by the questionnaire analysis and cluster analysis help us to detect fields of working
motivation where it is necessary to do some improving steps. On the base of reached results we can
say that it is possible to create group motivation programmes for 2 similarly oriented employees groups
in SE Mochovce,Corp.
To get better adaptation of motivation programmes for particular employees there was examined by
the cluster analysis ability to select groups with similar motivation orientation. This problem is highly
actual mainly in big companies because of the following:
- unified motivation programme created on the base of averaging of more individual opinions can be
a little away from concrete demands and thus it can be ineffective;
- and vice versa, elaboration of fully individual motivation programmes for hundreds of employees is
very often an impossible task.
Within the time horizont of 6-12 months, we suggest again to do analysis of motivation factors because
of detection of possible changes in the structure of motivation factors after the stabilization in the company.
In the case of other significant changes it is necessary to revise motivation factors for employees
on such a way that they will reflect changed demands of those employees.
Business Administration and Management
