Podíl lázeňství na tvorbě HDP ČR a zdroje jeho financování
Name and surname of author:
Ivana Kraftová
spa, health service, travel and tourism, infrastructure, EU funds, cluster, venture capital
DOI (& full text):
The branch of spas stands on the borderland of the health services and the travel and tourism.
It presents economic activities that involve a complex care for a patient - a spa guest. The Czech
spas are in the connection - in the best part - with nature medical resources.
Regarding support of its development, the spa branch is understood in a framework of the
Czech government economic policy as a part of travel and tourism. Therefore, the data on the
travel and tourism are used for the description and argumentation of the spa rate in the creation of
the welfare - especially indicators of direct and indirect rate on the GDP and employment, relation
between export and import in the last 18 years, as well the development of government expenditures
and capital investment into travel and tourism in the Czech Republic.
In relation to the nature resources the spa - as a branch of national economy - impacts on the
economy of regions extraordinarily. However, the enlargement of the spa capability is not in the
particular NUTS III equable.
Economic companies, which operate in the spa branch, are not alone. The other economic
subjects of spa towns, as well the neighbouring region, participate in the economic activities too.
The regional impact of the spa and the creation of so called partner-spa-triangle with its potential
positive synergic effect for the regional development are emphasised.
Czech spas are characterised by an important development potential - regarding creation o thef
economic welfare - but the necessary infrastructure quantitatively, as well as qualitatively, does not
correspond to increasing requests of clients in the competitive environment.
In this article, three potential approaches for financing further development of spa are described
briefly: an utilisation of the EU funds sources, a creation of clusters, and application of the risk and
development capital.
The Czech spa development is surely connected with innovations of…
The branch of spas stands on the borderland of the health services and the travel and tourism.
It presents economic activities that involve a complex care for a patient - a spa guest. The Czech
spas are in the connection - in the best part - with nature medical resources.
Regarding support of its development, the spa branch is understood in a framework of the
Czech government economic policy as a part of travel and tourism. Therefore, the data on the
travel and tourism are used for the description and argumentation of the spa rate in the creation of
the welfare - especially indicators of direct and indirect rate on the GDP and employment, relation
between export and import in the last 18 years, as well the development of government expenditures
and capital investment into travel and tourism in the Czech Republic.
In relation to the nature resources the spa - as a branch of national economy - impacts on the
economy of regions extraordinarily. However, the enlargement of the spa capability is not in the
particular NUTS III equable.
Economic companies, which operate in the spa branch, are not alone. The other economic
subjects of spa towns, as well the neighbouring region, participate in the economic activities too.
The regional impact of the spa and the creation of so called partner-spa-triangle with its potential
positive synergic effect for the regional development are emphasised.
Czech spas are characterised by an important development potential - regarding creation o thef
economic welfare - but the necessary infrastructure quantitatively, as well as qualitatively, does not
correspond to increasing requests of clients in the competitive environment.
In this article, three potential approaches for financing further development of spa are described
briefly: an utilisation of the EU funds sources, a creation of clusters, and application of the risk and
development capital.
The Czech spa development is surely connected with innovations of strategic management in
the direction of the services complexity, the higher use of particular elements of marketing mix. No
doubt, the critical role will play a regional partnership of the spa triangle (in the case of clusters
- the spa tetragon) including implementation of adequate approaches to financing development
focused according to their content and extent.