Information management
Testování použitelnosti WEBGIS pomocí hodnotitelů
Name and surname of author:
Miroslav Hub, Zdeněk Valenta, Ondřej Víšek
webgis, evaluator, usability testing, testing rooms, phases of usability testing
DOI (& full text):
This article describes methods of usability testing of WEBGIS in Czech regional authority. It is not quite common to use usability testing of WEBGIS, however it is common in testing of software application.Actual status in the regional authority is described in the first chapter. Most of these WEBGIS are still under construction and mostly are not usable for general public. Contributions are in the second chapter. Reader can find benefits of usability testing there. The most significant part is the third chapter. It contains all important for usability testing. First of all it must be said how much usability evaluators are needed. There are types of tests too and how to make them. In this chapter are also proposed kinds of testing rooms which depend on financial capabilities of company. There are described simple single-room setup, simple single--room setup, modified single-room setup, electronic observation room setup and classic testing laboratory setup.In the last chapter are phases of usability testing. Usability testing has to begin before making WEBGIS. There must be an idea about functions that people want and also it should be revealed the design that will be taken as very comfortable. Names of these two tests are design test and function test. After making a part of WEBGIS it is good to make a test of prototype to find „all“ mistakes. The word „all“ is meant „as much as possible“. The last test in preparing WEBGIS is product test. This test is used before bringing project into internet for general public. If these instructions will be taken into account there will be more usable WEBGIS and there will be more satisfied users. However there is also important that everything newly added on WEBGIS must be tested over again.
This article describes methods of usability testing of WEBGIS in Czech regional authority. It is not quite common to use usability testing of WEBGIS, however it is common in testing of software application.Actual status in the regional authority is described in the first chapter. Most of these WEBGIS are still under construction and mostly are not usable for general public. Contributions are in the second chapter. Reader can find benefits of usability testing there. The most significant part is the third chapter. It contains all important for usability testing. First of all it must be said how much usability evaluators are needed. There are types of tests too and how to make them. In this chapter are also proposed kinds of testing rooms which depend on financial capabilities of company. There are described simple single-room setup, simple single--room setup, modified single-room setup, electronic observation room setup and classic testing laboratory setup.In the last chapter are phases of usability testing. Usability testing has to begin before making WEBGIS. There must be an idea about functions that people want and also it should be revealed the design that will be taken as very comfortable. Names of these two tests are design test and function test. After making a part of WEBGIS it is good to make a test of prototype to find „all“ mistakes. The word „all“ is meant „as much as possible“. The last test in preparing WEBGIS is product test. This test is used before bringing project into internet for general public. If these instructions will be taken into account there will be more usable WEBGIS and there will be more satisfied users. However there is also important that everything newly added on WEBGIS must be tested over again.
Information management