Business Administration and Management
Řízení logistiky v průmyslovém klastru
Name and surname of author:
Michal Šimon, Petra Troblová
cluster, logistics, advantages of logistics, supplier selection, mathematical model
DOI (& full text):
An industrial cluster provides support of the huge range of activities to its cluster members. For cluster functioning and development cooperation and trust in all spheres which are important and vital are necessary. We can divide cluster activities into two main pillars: Primary ones (Common planning and organizing, Project management, Production, Finance, Logistics and Sale) and Sup-ported ones (Marketing, Human resource management, Research and Development). We should not forget other cluster activities as well, such as Information, knowledge and resources sharing, Ethics code and Quality. This paper aims to one of the primary activities of cluster value chain - logistics. This branch appears from many various accessible Czech and foreign studies and analyses as one of the most important parts in industrial cluster and therefore represents a strong motivational factor for possible membership in cluster. Logistics control in a company is a very demanding and difficult process. If we target the group of companies - cluster, logistics is becoming for mutual and central cluster management largely complicated. It is a central solution of transportation, supplying and warehousing processes. It influences size of minimal supplies by individual cluster members as well.In practice of an industrial company there is a number of various methods within logistics that can be applied. These methods result from mathematics, operational research, econometrics, statistics and other research areas. To apply accessible professional methods and procedures at the cluster level is the main purpose of this contribution. This field is described in the proposed mathematical model of logistics control in a cluster. Another point is evaluation of potential cluster suppliers.
An industrial cluster provides support of the huge range of activities to its cluster members. For cluster functioning and development cooperation and trust in all spheres which are important and vital are necessary. We can divide cluster activities into two main pillars: Primary ones (Common planning and organizing, Project management, Production, Finance, Logistics and Sale) and Sup-ported ones (Marketing, Human resource management, Research and Development). We should not forget other cluster activities as well, such as Information, knowledge and resources sharing, Ethics code and Quality. This paper aims to one of the primary activities of cluster value chain - logistics. This branch appears from many various accessible Czech and foreign studies and analyses as one of the most important parts in industrial cluster and therefore represents a strong motivational factor for possible membership in cluster. Logistics control in a company is a very demanding and difficult process. If we target the group of companies - cluster, logistics is becoming for mutual and central cluster management largely complicated. It is a central solution of transportation, supplying and warehousing processes. It influences size of minimal supplies by individual cluster members as well.In practice of an industrial company there is a number of various methods within logistics that can be applied. These methods result from mathematics, operational research, econometrics, statistics and other research areas. To apply accessible professional methods and procedures at the cluster level is the main purpose of this contribution. This field is described in the proposed mathematical model of logistics control in a cluster. Another point is evaluation of potential cluster suppliers.
Business Administration and Management